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Vol. 2 No. 2 - Pentecost 2007

Poetry: Awake, My Soul!

Awake, My Soul! Believe what thou hast seen!
For thou hast seen the Light of Truth revealed!
Though deep within thee lieth it concealed,
Thou needest but to rouse thyself. So mean
Art thou to slumber when the merest keen
And crystal ray of joy thine eyes unsealed
And showed thee thy true state. Why dost thou yield
Unto the dream, when wakened thou hast been?

How can the dream be better than The Truth,
Or passing laughter sweeter be than Joy
Unmixed with pain, as noon undimmed by night?
My Soul, be not so slothful or uncouth
To barter thy salvation for a toy!
Awake! Arise! Get thee unto the fight!

Sara Hillis, (Pentecost, 2007)

© All Saints of North America Orthodox Church
Orthodox Church in America, 2007.